Friday, December 14, 2012

Baby Allie Update

We have officially hit the third trimester today, we are in the home stretch!  I had an ultrasound this morning followed up with a doctor's appointment. Allie is growing very nicely, she is a little over 2 pounds so she is right on track. She is breached, her head is on my right side up into my ribs. All the ultrasounds that I've had, her hands and arms are covering her face. In this ultrasound she did a lot of yawing and I actually had to lay on my side while the technician poked my belly for Allie to move her arms so we could see her lovely face.

My sugars are under control and my blood pressure is still unbelievably well! I lost a little weight, I've only gained 3.8 pounds with this pregnancy. My next doctor's appointment will be in two weeks. At that time we will start to schedule the bio physicals. Typically the appointments are twice a week but if my blood pressure stays under control, I will only been seen once a week (starting at 32 weeks) up until we give birth. 

We did set up an appointment for our c-section so Allie's birthday will be March 1, 2013 at 10am. I need to be at the hospital at 8am to get prepped. We are excited that my sister will be here for the birth and has already made her flight arrangements. She was here the first week when Makayla came home from the hospital and I'm so glad I had the help as Dwight came down with the flu. And of course being a first time mom had no clue what I was doing!

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