Sunday, November 18, 2012

Baby Allie Update

I had a doctor's appointment and officially hit 24 weeks on Friday. My doctor liked my glucose numbers but warned me that the farther along in my pregnancy it will be harder and harder to control those numbers ... oh great, now I need to be extra good!  Blood pressure is still perfect, the best it's ever been!  She gave me all my registration paperwork for the hospital and told me that we can now schedule the date, time and doctor for the c-section (which they will take her at 39-weeks). I have a follow up in 4-weeks and at that time we will have another ultrasound to make sure Allie's growth is right on schedule because of the gestational diabetes.

After that appointment we will start to schedule biophysical, something I had done when I was pregnant with Makayla. A biophysical is only done when a women has a high-risk pregnancy, in my case gestational diabetes and high blood pressure. The test usually starts with an ultrasound to observe the baby's movements, muscle tone, breathing  movements and the amount of amniotic fluid surround her. Afterwards they will strap a device to my belly which monitors the baby's heartbeat and movement and then another device to monitor any contractions. I can't remember if I had this done once or twice a week, it was nice because I was usually able to take a nice nap while this was going on, the whole process takes a little over an hour.  This will be done right up until Allie is born.

Otherwise I am still feeling great. Allie is moving a lot and Makayla has felt her kick quite often. Dwight on the other hand is a different story. Every time he goes to feel her, she stops. She tends to be kicking me more on the inside these days which requires frequent trips to the bathroom!

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