Wednesday, April 17, 2013

We Are Still Here

It seems like the rest of the family has made blog updates but me and it's sad that it took me a while to log on because I couldn't remember my email address and password ... never a good sign!

We have had many visitors since Allie was born. As you know my mom was here during her birth and then my niece Jackie came a week after Allie was born. It was perfect timing as Dwight had went back to work and I wasn't sure how I was going to juggle getting Makayla ready in the morning, tending to Allie's needs and then getting Makayla off to the bus stop. I still haven't managed me getting ready in the morning and it's something that I'm going to have to perfect as I go back to work in 1 1/2 weeks .... where did the time go??  Jackie was a big help cooking, cleaning and cuddled with Allie during her week stay!

Second on the list was my niece Jill. She was here during Makayla's spring break and I was so glad she did! There would have been no way I would have kept Makayla entertained during that time. They went and got a pedicure, rode rides and played mini golf at Mall of America and worked on making a blanket just to name a few. She too helped cook and clean ... and oh cuddled with Allie during her few days with us.

Then my sister arrived ... FINALLY! She stayed with us for 1 1/2 weeks and we have missed her since she left. There is always something about sister bonding time and I'm happy that Makayla and Allie will some day get to experience that! Dee goes above and beyond ... she has taught her daughters well! A good majority of her time was spent with Makayla, working on their secret project of paper dolls that someday she will get to enjoy with Allie. They also made a newspaper and read stories. While Makayla was at school we watched movies and she too had her good share of cuddle time with Allie.

We are so blessed to have such wonderful family members in our lives and are willing to take time away from their jobs, family, school, etc. to take care of us!

I've also had many co-workers, friends and neighbors stop by. We have been really overwhelmed with the cards and gifts that have been sent!  Especially those who thought of Makayla. I have some amazing friends that have given her presents and had created Easter baskets for her.

Dwight's mom was able to meet Allie for the first time a few weeks ago. Thankfully, we had really nice weather the day we met her half-way. She too cuddled with Allie but there is only so much of that you can do in a restaurant setting. Still it was nice to see her and catch up!

Allie is now almost two months old. She doesn't sleep that much during the day and it takes her a long time to fall asleep at night. Over the last week, she has been going to bed between 11-11:30pm ... that's too late for me! She is still getting up 2-3 times per night. We were very spoiled with Makayla as she was she laid her on her stomach during her naps and she would sleep longer because of that. So, I'm going to try that tonight to see if that would work.

She camps out at the breast so it's been a real struggle for her to take the bottle. Again, we were spoiled with Makayla as she took the first bottle we gave her and formula wasn't a problem. Allie finally started to take Dr. Brown bottles but yet the nipple holes are too big, she gasps for air because she is getting too much. I did find preemie nipples so that has been working like a charm. I haven't been able to find time to pump that much since she nurses all the time, and now I'm finding out she will want to do it just to comfort herself (she doesn't like the pacifier). I know once I go back to work my milk supply will go down dramatically so we have been introducing formula a few times a day. It's pure torture for her, she hates it. I finally called the lactation specialist with our pediatric clinic and she has given us a few tips, which has seemed to worked. She had a lot of baby acne that we were concerned about but the doctor suggested that I stop consuming so much milk and cheese ... guilty!

She now smiles and coos ... I've missed that gummy smile! She found her hands and loves to shake rattles and keys. She is in love with the ceiling fan, if we need to calm her down from crying ... stand under the ceiling fan ... works like a charm! She loves to watch you talk to her, she looks you in the eyes and then watches your mouth and tries so hard to talk back.

I'm doing well but am truly missing my sleep, anyone can see that from the huge bags under my eyes! I had my six-week check-up with fasting labs for glucose on Tuesday. I'm still bleeding but very little now, my doctor thinks that my period is starting ... oh lovely. That's something that I did not miss at all while being pregnant. I failed my glucose test so they are sending me to the hospital on Friday for a two-hour test. Doesn't surprise me if I'm diagnosed as we are cursed in the family AND I had gestational diabetes twice so now I'm more susceptible in getting it. I've lost all my baby weight, plus some ... I can thank breastfeeding for that!

Makayla has been a great big sister and since the newness has worn off she has a love/hate relationship with Allie. I've been trying my best to praise Makayla and incorporating Allie into that. Occasionally Makayla will not want us to pick Allie up when she's crying or tend to her needs first. But Makayla still wants to hold her, read to her and play with her. It's been so nice to see!

I head back to work at the end of the month and I'm not really looking forward to it. Dwight will be with Allie during the day until I get home from work. I will be a single parent four nights out of the week (Sunday through Wednesday). If we can get our mornings down while Makayla is still in school I will be happy. Trying to get Makayla ready (picking out clothes, fixing breakfast, packing lunches), feeding and getting Allie ready for the day, feedings and getting myself ready for the day and putting two kids in the car and taking Makayla to school. Yikes! At least Makayla has been good at making her breakfast in the morning and we solved the clothing issue. My family witnessed this while they were here. Every morning Makayla wants me to pick out her clothes, I tell her all the time that she is old enough to pick out her own clothes but there is a certain boy in her class that she wants to impress. So I bought a holder for her closet so now on Sunday night we can pick her clothes out together for the whole week. Problem solved and we are not rushing around in the morning.

Stay tuned for pictures ....

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