Sunday, September 23, 2012

Makayla + School = A Lot Of Homework

Makayla loves school but not all the homework, I don't remember having any homework in second grade. After the first week of school, her teachers thought it would be a good idea to send a weeks worth of homework home in the Friday folder. She can work on it right away or spread it out during the week but it must be completed and returned before the next Friday. Not only does she have to do a packet of homework but she also has been bringing home a few more pieces throughout the week.  Sunday afternoon is usually our time to complete most of it.
She also has spelling words (12) each week that is also given out on Friday, tests are always the next Thursday. She has been doing great with those and I'm very thankful that I don't have to keep spelling words when she writes stories!
MK has also been very good with her reading, especially for Reading Rocks! Thank you to Aunt Dee & Uncle Doug for their $25 donation and Granny Kay for her $10 donation! I had to look to see what Makayla read last year, she read a total of 900 minutes and was the top reader out of all the first grades. For MKs first week she has already read a total of 660 minutes! Next week is the last week and I have a feel she will be exceeding her 900 minutes from last year!
It's still not the same around the house without Lady Cat. I was emptying out a box on Saturday and came across her picture in a frame so of course we had to display it. We also received a nice note from her veternarian office this last week, it's nice that they remembered us. Mister follows us around like crazy and still wonders in the laundry room meowing like a baby looking for her. MK had share day at school on Friday and took one of Lady's pictures. Lady was a great pet and we will never forget her!

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