Monday, September 17, 2012

Baby Swanson Update

Earlier last week I found out about this huge baby sale going on in Eagan, Just Between Friends. I was able to score some really good deals on Saturday, at half price!
Below is a baby bedding set that is practically brand new, along with a boppy with green covering. Baby bibs, sheets, blankets, burb cloths, diaper bag, toys and a bottle drying rack.  We will get to find out the sex in a few more weeks, just in time for the sale happening in Eden Prairie. Hopefully we will be able to score some great deals on clothes.
We have officially hit the 15th week, the baby is the size of an apple!  Feeling great with lots of energy, my belly is becoming more round ... certain shirts are becoming a little bit more tight. I forgot how I love stretchy pants! I have a doctor's appointment this Friday.  Stay tuned for belly pictures!



  1. ALRIGHT!! Got the Winnie the Pooh and Piglet bag!! Now that's my kinda baby....ridin' in Pooh style!!

  2. Do you need anything else for the Kid Line "Bunny Meadow" crib bedding?

  3. I would have no idea what else it comes with.
