Sunday, September 23, 2012

Baby Swanson Update

Friday night, Dwight surprised me by putting up the crib.  All we need is a mattress and we should be good to go. We also stopped by a few garage sales and picked up some baby toys, a few less things we have to worry about later on.

I had a doctor's appointment on Friday morning and she told me things that I already suspected like having gestational diabetes. I already had motified my diet and lost 5 pounds because of it. She gave me a new perscription for the test strips and lancets. It took me a while to find my monitor when I got home and thankfully I did because the old one that I had was no longer covered by insurance. I also had to make an appointment at the diabetic clinic, which I went through when I was pregnant with Makayla. My diabetic class is scheduled for October 2, it basically goes over how to count your carbs and test your blood. Because I have already been through this class my doctor wanted me to come back on Friday with a weeks worth of numbers and another check-up. I have been doing great so far with my fasting sugars in the morning and then two hours after I eat.
My blood pressure is doing extremely well, I'm hoping it continues this way throughout my pregnancy. With Makayla it was up a lot especially with medication.
I also was able to listen to the heart beat, nice and strong!  I still can't feel a lot of movement, just flutters here and there. I'm really looking forward to this part of the pregnancy when I can really feel the movement.

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