Sunday, September 9, 2012

Baby Swanson Update

I have officially hit the second trimester, week 14! Baby Swanson can now squint, frown, grimace, pee and possibly suck it's thumb. It's the size of a lemon and weighs about 1 1/2 ounces.
I went to the hospital on Wednesday for my 3 1/2 hour glucose test. I started fasting at 10:30 the night before but I had to drop Makayla off at the bus stop so I didn't make it to the hospital until 9:45am. They took my blood at the beginning and then I drank that lovely juice again, this time it seemed a lot sweeter than before. From the time I drank the juice, they took my blood every hour for three hours. Usually my right arm is easy to draw from, never have had a problem with it in the past but it was impossible to find my vein. I was stuck six times total, twice they missed the vein and they did it all in my left arm. I was not a happy camper by the time I left. Thankfully, I packed a few snacks for the car ride home because I didn't walk into the house until 2:00pm.  Around 4:00pm, I received the results of the tests. I think I failed but haven't received a confirmation from my doctor's office yet. My sugars grew higher and higher with every hour that passed.

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